
The workbook contains essential information for every school- leaver and is endorsed by the Department of Education as an approved text for the Grade 12 Life Orientation Curriculum. The Curriculum is aligned, conceptualised and designed by Private and Public Stakeholders. The Workbook is distributed at least 3 months before the event which encourages and assists Learners to help find their chosen professions and study options.

The workbook is distributed to 15 000 Grade 12 learners in the Eastern Cape (actual users are estimated at 30 000) – including more than 200 schools annually. These are highly sought after and voraciously used.

Reaching such a wide scope, why not grab the opportunity and advertise in the workbook.

Below are the rates to advertise, so book your space before all are taken. Remember it’s first come first serve. Only a limited number of adverts are permitted in this educational resource.


A5 Size:
R9 975 excluding VAT


A4 Size:
R17 325 excluding VAT


Only full colour option available


Working World Exhibitions - Workbook 2023